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Church Organist by Profession

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tuesday 4 July

Life can be very cruel - two of the questions in the Eng. Lit. paper were about soap operas of which Coronation Street was cited by way of example.

I looked desperately for a spelling mistake, but there was none. I was ticking little boxes almost at random until I controlled my panic and faced Question 3 – “Compare and contrast two of your favourite authors, with reference to their writings”, it said, and I could breathe again. I wrote a lot about my James Bond book and concluded, by rational argument, that it was a lot better written than Crime and Punishment and engaged the reader’s attention more readily, with excellent characterisation and a fast-moving plot. I might not get a Distinction, but at least I am now confident of a good Pass grade, upon which, of course, my future depends.

I haven’t decided yet whether Oxford beckons me, or Cambridge. I know I shall have to make a choice sooner or later. But now everything hinges on the results of my Woodwork and IT examinations.

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